Our Vision
Many May Come and Many May Go
But We (TBF Nidhi Ltd.,) Serve You Forever
வாழும் வரை ரத்த தானம்
வாழ்ந்த பின் கண் தானம்
Mutuality Philosophy
Our Mutuality philosophy drives us to develop safe and high quality services. Our wide spread network helps us get closer to our members.
Building Relationships
We focus on building and maintaining sound relationships with our members and employees and all other stake holders.
Mutual Growth
We believe that the success of business comes from each individual's creativity and team work. We at TBF Ltd., stimulate the mutual growth of our members through Trust and Responsibility and in this process TBF Ltd. Strives
to contribute to the development of society overall.
Our Services
Fund Donation
TBF donated for the Development and Renovation of Temples, Librarires, Trust and many more.
Healthcare Camps
TBF Provides Frequent Healthcare benefit Camps and eye checkup camps for our employees and for senior citizens
Prize Distribution
Awarding prizes to the Outstanding students of 9th and 12th standards in our all Branches every year.
Disaster Relief Fund
Funds and relief materials donated for villages and areas affected dude to natural calmities